Friday, April 8, 2011

As Long as Water Flows and Grass Grows

This is one of my favorite stories...and the advice of a good small town lawyer is still true today LOL

My mother has a cousin and one of my favorite stories from her life is the story of how she had to move her house. She had enough money to build a house, but it wasn't on her property. It was a house that was built off the ground on timbers, I guess it would be like a modern day double wide. She built the house across the road from her mother and father but it wasn't on their property. It was on the property of an old Cherokee Indian and he told her "as long as water flows and grass grows you can keep you house on my property." Well the situation rocked on for a few years, no problems, until one day the Indian got an offer to sell the land so he wanted  her house, because it was on the property he thought it belonged to him. Evidently water no longer flowed and grass didn't grow especially when you can make a profit. So she and her Dad go into town to see the only lawyer in town and the lawyer asks a few questions like does this Indian man go to town on Saturday, well yes he did, and then he asked her Dad don't you have a bunch of strong young sons, and yes he did. So the conclusion the lawyer drew was that on Saturday when the Indian went to town just get some timbers slide under the house and get some oxen and some young men and move the house across the road onto her parents property, and that was exactly what they did. The Indian was obviously mad when he got home from town. Thus you have rural property law :)

Why Military Spending makes me MAD

I know mine is not a popular position but I'll just say that I am sick of military spending. We are not the freest nation in the world in fact we are 139th on the list of freest nations the top 10 don't have standing armies so it is not our freedom that are military is protecting it is our Empire. We have an empire, we have 50,000 troops stationed in Germany. Does anyone know why? I'm pretty sure Germany is a highly functioning democracy, they have more freedom than us they are 5th on the list, Hitler has been dead for over 50 years and Germany has a better economy than us. The same thing goes for France, Japan, England, Australia, New Zeland and Itlay, and we have tons of troops in all of those places. We also have troops in Vietnam and Korea, and it has been over 40 years since those wars were over. Military spending makes up over 45% of our total budget, and it wasn't even on the table to be cut in this current budget mess. Folks 39 billion in cuts will not make a dent in our debt but you could get that number up closer to 1 trillion in cuts if you started cutting the military. We spend 450 million dollars on a back up engine for a plane we have never flown. We keep on renewing defense contracts for weapons that our outdated that we don't use. That is ridiculous. The military has also become a welfare program of sorts. Can't find a job, Can't get healtcare, join the military, and you actually end up costing us more than you would of had you gotten on welfare. You know we had drafts in all of our other wars because we didn't have a large enough standing military, the reason we didn't have them was because we couldn't afford them and we can't afford them today. My Father has a bronze star, and a sliver star for his service in Vietnam, that means he saw some pretty rough stuff. My Dad has never received a disability benefit from the military, even though he was constantly sprayed with agent orange. He has problems with his eyesight that was caused by that and has early stages of COPD that is also linked to agent orange. Most of the men who were in Vietnam, Korea, WW2 never saw any disability benefits unless they lost a limb. They did their duty, shut up about it, came home, and then did civilian jobs and provided for their families. These guys that are coming out now all claim to have PTSD and are on disability. I can't tell you how many young men I know that are drawing 1800 a month in PTSD disability and used their VA loans to go back to school and can hold down jobs so they are making their paychecks and getting the 1800 a month, that is nuts. My own husband can't afford to go back to school to get his masters but I know a guy who is going back to school, and his wife does not work, they have a kid, and they just live off of his military disability for PTSD and there isn't a thing in the world wrong with him. On top of that all these guys volunteered, they knew what they were getting into. My Dad didn't volunteer, he was drafted and taken from his family and received no benefits, same thing with My Uncle Jack in Korea, and My Great Uncle in WW2. None received benefits and all were drafted and here these guys are receiving a ton of benefits for a job they volunteered for. I had a cousin tell me something that I will never forget he said " you know you Dad and guys like him they don't talk about the war because they saw some serious sh*& and they don't want to talk about these guys who come back and blab all the time didn't see sh*& otherwise they wouldn't be running their mouths" I feel that way I am so sick of ppl. bragging about their war experiences because if you really did have to kill ppl. and you saw your men die, you wouldn't talk about it. About 5 years ago Dad finally told me and Cody some of the stuff he saw, and had to do and it was bad really really bad. Dad was a 24 year old with a college degree leading scared 18 year olds threw the jungle with only basic training and no combat experience under his belt, and they had to do some very Sh*&&y things, and several of his men died and they killed ppl. and not just in random fire they know they killed ppl. My Uncle Jack had a gold star for his service in Korea never never talked about the war, and all of his men were blown up on Thanksgiving Day and only he and his radio officer survived. Trad always likes to tell his students at school that he has two Uncles who were highly decorated and the kids always ask you know oh did they come back and be bad asses what do they do now and Trad always tells them "You would never know the two men served one is an Elementary Principal, the other was a rancher, and I can't tell you their war stories because they never tell them to anyone." I am so so sick of hearing these guys who come back and want to tell their badass war stories, that is a tell tell sign that they saw nothing. Then they come home and act like because they served, voluntarily I might add, that they are entitled, and about half of them live off of disability for problems they don't have and don't seek further advancement in civilian life. Being in the military does not qualify you for a civilian job. My Dad came home, he had to go back to school earned 2 masters degrees, got an administrators certificate and became a principal, he couldn't just simply say well I was in the military and that qualifies me to do this job, and so many of the guys coming back today do exactly that and expect it. I am patriotic, I love this country, and I support our troops, but I am sick and tired of senseless wars and supporting a military that takes up the largest part of our budget that we can't afford. Really who are we fighting? Terrorists? Let them blow themselves up. We don't have a specified enemy, and we dont' need one, we could be using that money to create jobs in this country, build roads, build schools, instead we are keeping up the economies of other countries by keeping bases there and the industries that come with those bases that has to stop, and we don't need as many military personal as we have. I think if we have a major war the men of this country will do like generations past and accept the draft as part of citizenship in the meantime we don't need to maintain a large standing military force we cannot afford.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This is one of my favorite stories.......

When I married Steven I warned him that women in my family have a history of burning our male spouses clothes in the wash pot....his response " Man I'm glad there is a burn ban on" (we got married in July so you couldn't burn anything at that time)

I've changed all the names, and this story kind of overlaps between 2 of her husbands but I made them into one.

If you don't know Odel, well you should. She is a buxom, feisty woman of about 25 with dark brown hair, beautiful blue eyes and those famous Cherokee cheek bones. Odel was is easy to fall in love, and can just as easily fall out of love. Take her latest husband Mr. Williams. Mr. Williams, or Tom to his friends of which he has none, is at least twenty years Odel's senior, a tall thin man, who loves his money more than anything or anyone in this world. To be honest though Odel only married him because she had two children by her previous husband who was sorry, and she needed a way to provide for them so her family advised her to marry Mr. Williams that he had lots of money and would take good care of her and the kids. Mr. Williams worked for the local electric cooperative, and had a brand new Chevrolet, which Odel is not allowed to drive much to her dismay. He had a fairly knew house, and it had running hot and cold water, which was a big plus since Odel's folks were so poor they were still using the privy. In fact Odel's folks are still using kerosene lanterns to light the house, but not Mr. Williams his house is all electric. Well Odel she is just so taken in by this miracle of running hot and cold water, and electric lights that she thinks she has died and gone to heaven, and heaven looks like Mr. Williams house which she shares with him and her two girls; Ginger, and Frankie. Mr. Williams though and his love of money can't stand Odel using all that electricity and water, she is running up the bill so much he might have to break into pipe tobacco money to pay the bill and he certainly wouldn't want to do that. First thing Thursday night when Mr. Williams got home from work his first order of business was to yell at Ginger and Frankie for filling up a wading pool in the backyard, that was  a waste of water. Well Odel will certainly take Mr. Williams' money and his nice home but she will not accept him yelling at her children. Being the feisty woman she is she devises a plan that will be awaiting Mr. Williams when he arrives home on Friday evening. On Friday as soon as the girls get home from school Odel has them turn on all the faucets in the house, and turn on every electric light and appliance that Mr. Williams owns. Then she has the girls pack up their things, and along with her things she loads them into her Papa's wagon and has him take the girls back home with him while she waits on Mr. Williams. While she is waiting she decides to do a little house cleaning in the form of cleaning out Mr. Williams' closet. What good wife wouldn't clean out her husband's closet for him and get it organized. Only Odel takes out all the clothes, shoes, belts, and hats and promptly takes them outside to the wash pot. She then goes inside and gets a bunch of firewood that was leftover from the prior winter and piles it into the wash pot. She piles Mr. Williams clothes on top, finds some gasoline in the shed that was used to fuel the lawn mower pours the gasoline over the clothes and the wood lights a match, tosses it in and watches it burn. Needless to say Mr. Williams came home to a house over flowing with water and all of his clothes burning in the wash pot. Remember I said Odel was feisty, needless to say at the end of her life she had a shoe box full of divorce papers, she always had a hard time keeping a man.... I wonder why LOL.

Counting My Blessings

I've been in a terrible mood the past few days. I'm just mad at life, and fed up, I go threw spurts where I would like to be a society drop out. I'm not kidding. I was giving Mom my talk on all my complaints: law school is hard, the legal job marekt is bad, my classes are boring, etc. etc. etc. Yes, it really is all about me most of the time. So Mom reminds me that I am a very blessed person and that I should count my blessings, I try to thank God for my blessings each and everyday but somedays it is just more lip service than anything else. You know "thank you Lord for all my blessings" while silently thinking life would be so much easier if ... (insert whatever it is you are perturbed about here) were fixed. So I thought I wold give full account for my blessings, of which I have many.

1) I have been very lucky to have some of the most sacrificing, and loving parents on this planet. I cannot describe to you what my parents have given up both financially and personally for me and cody and to be able to raise us in a comfortabel lifestyle, and educate us. I am so very grateful for them each and every day.

2) 8 years ago Trad asked me "So when are you getting rid of Steven's girlfriend and nabbing him for yourself?" I thought it was a strange question, Steven was seeing someone else and so was I but... I guess Trad saw something I didn't because I did, I got all my friends to be nice to Barbara and confide in and convience her that Steven was a crummy boyfriend, she dumped him I left Boss and 2 weeks later we were a couple... no looking back. Yes, I am that devious I see something I want I get it. Being married to and in a relationship with Steven is by far the biggest blessing in my life. My parents love me to death but it is semi-conditional in that they expect/demand success out of me, with Steven I can fall flat on my face, and have, and he still loves me, he doesn't have extremely high expectations for me just that I"m happy and that in itself is a relief. Sometimes me being happy and me being successful are two totally diff. things and when I have to pick between the two he's always in my corner.

3) Cecil Kain Fullbright-Ostrander is a blessing and I love him like he is human. I am not maturanl except to that cat he just has an effect on me that most ppl. get from children. I don't go all goo-goo eyed over a baby but my kitty he melts my heart.

4) The house on Redwood while we aren't moved into it yet is very cute we've turned down several offers for ppl. wanting to buy it, we've renovated it, its great on the inside. It and 40 acres there are mine free and clear, thanks Mom and Dad for giving me my inheritance early, and that is a comfort. No it is not our dream house we want to build our dream house on that property but owning a home free and clear is a big burden that is lifted, so many ppl. in this world do not own homes, or have roofs over their heads and many of us take that forgranted.

5) I am in law school. No matter how bad the legal job market is, how boring law school is, how hellish it can be I am lucky to be here. In my class over 3,000 applied and they took 160. I'll never know what made me special or stand out but I'm lucky to be here and I know it. This is a great opportunity, and I do love it, I just have my moments where I want to scream because it isn't easy but then again if it were easy everyone would be doing it. Somedays I get to do amazing things, and any success I have here I credit to God because I know I couldn't do this on my own, and I wouldn't be here on my own. I don't know what the end game is here yet but I trust that there is a plan and a reason why I'm here.

6) My husband has a job he don't know how big a relief that is to me. If Steven didn't love his job I don't know what I would do, I'm very dependnt one of the elements for me being happy if for him to also be happy so when he isn't I'm not, and I couldn't take him being unhappy and me being in law school way to much stress.

7) I have a wonderful extended family. I love knowing I have cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. that are here for me. Being part of a big family is so important and having roots is so importnat. You need a little group of ppl. rooting for you, and I have an army.

Terry Jones -- A word on Tolerance

The top of my hit list this week is Pastor Terry Jones. You know this guy he is the Quran burning pastor in Florida, who burned the Quran after being told it would cause massive riots, and probable deaths but the top U.S. general. My compliant about this man, he knew better. I know I get it he had a right to burn the Quran, well hold on there not exactly the 1st amendment doesn't protect you for inciting violence which is exactly what he did. Yes, we should be going after the terrorists too but in my opinion Terry Jones is a homegrown terrorist. If the United States government and top officials tell you look you have a right to do this but if you do innocent ppl. are going to die and you do it anyway you are just as culpable for the deaths, especially when you did it just to prove a stupid point that required no proof. We know the terrorist are crazy, we knew the burring of the Quran would cause them to get violent, when you know those tings you don't go asking for proof this is a situation where you don't have to be proven right. Now Pastor Jones sits tight, and safe in Florida, while American soldiers are trying to stop the protests in Afghanistan and are putting their lives on the line over a situation he caused. If you ask me he needs to be in a jail cell. In this country if you provoke someone into killing another you are culpable for the murder as well..... I'm pretty sure that describes exactly what Terry Jones did and now 20 innocent ppl. aer dead and the riots haven't stopped.You know there is this thing called tolerance. Do I agree withe Islam? No. Do I think radical Islamic extremest need to be dealt with? Yes. Do I believe in the Quran? No. I go to a private Christian University, TU is a Presbyterian University, and you know what is right next door to the law school, the very next building over.... The Islamic Student Union and prayer center, do I agree with what they are doing there no, do they have a right to do it, yes, Do I just simply walk by the building and ignore it and not hate the ppl. inside Yes....that is tolerance we all need to get some. We can't keep going around starting fights over religion over 1/2 the world disagrees with Chrisianity, Christians only make up roughly 30% of the world population, we are going to have to learn some tolerance, and let's not forget that Jesus preached peace and tolerance for all men.

Friday, April 1, 2011

"Oh that is so Sad" -- No not really

Today I was having a conversation with Mom's housekeeper, who evidently is soon to be my housekeeper since Mom and Steven went behind my back and hired her for me one day a week. I love her she is a very sensible woman, and if it were not for her being born into abject poverty and lacking in funds for an education I think she would have a carrier other than a housekeeper. She is very well read, and very intelligent. She also does make pretty good money as a housekeeper, more than most teachers its just it is manual labor and she does have to work seven days a week. Anyway we were having a conversation about just kind of the basic things I wanted her to do for me, at Mom's she does everything laundry, windows, floors, you name it but I just primarily want her to clean the bathrooms at my house, and do the floors, and do our bedding, and i said well there really isn't much to pick up just mine and Steven's stuff (Steven won't use a hamper) and it isn't like we have any kids you have to pickup after and since we don't want any there probably never will be any for you to pickup after. She then turns to me and says "you don't want kids that is just so sad." I tend to get this remark a lot when I tell people I don't want children. I understand the concept of "it is diff. when they are your own children" and "you won't feel that way when you get older" but here is the thing I know myself pretty well. I'm not maternal, and Steven while he would make an excellent father knows I'm not maternal and we are both selfish. I don't mean to indicate that we dont' care of others we do but when it comes to our money and our time we are selfish in that we like to spend our time with each other and how we want and spend our money on ourselves. Children cost money and time. Then there is the whole situation where ppl. feel sorry for my parents because they won't have any grandchildren, I think most ppl. have figured out by now that Cody has no interest in having kids either. Let me be clear my own mother gets mad when ppl. feel sorry for her about this topic, Mom has another 4 years left on her term, she has other ambitions than being a grandma, and knows that if I have a kids she is going to have to help me raise it and she simply doesn't want to. I was a very late in life child making my parents very late in life grandparents if we were to have children and they dont' want to spend their twilight years running around after my kids which they know that if I have this carrier that they have paid for me a highly expensive education and Steven continues to work that they will be primarily responsible for my kids and they don't want to do it. I played an April fools joke on Mom last year and told her I was pregnant she did not speak to me for 2 days she was so mad, didn't even give me time to say April Fool. Here is my other issue and maybe it is the bigger  underlying one, and that is I think it is borderline irresponsible to have children in this economy. I know that sounds terrible but we are now living in a society without a thriving middle class, with poor work environments for those who are employed, and with a crippling national debt. No, I do not want to bring a child into that situation. I'm a big believer in being able to afford your kids. I was born into a family where my parents home was paid off before I was born, I have gone to some of the best Universities around without student loans because my Mom and Dad had enough saved to send me, having no student loans is a huge leg up in my life, and I wanted for nothing. Today with Steven teaching school and me being a lawyer we may not be able to provide for our children what my parents provided for me. The truth is my generation is going to work longer and harder to receive financially half of what our parents had, it is going to take us more money to retire, it will cost us more to educate our children and the way the country is headed if you aren't in the top 5% of wage earners (which lawyers and teachers are not you have to be a major CEO to be in that category) you may not be able to send your child to college at all because of the expense, and certainly not debt free because you won't be able to save enough to do it in 18 years or you may be able to save enough to do it at the cost of not having any retirement because my generation will have to have private retirement accounts, the age of a paid pension is coming to an end. I see so many ppl. having kids, and yes they  are precious, but those parents are living in the NOW, you know now I have a beautiful baby, now my child is walking etc. they aren't thinking in 18 years can educate this child, in 18 years will I have enough to retire and not be a burden to this child, they aren't thinking am I going to be able to provide everything this child needs and be able to provide for my old age or pay off this house. Children cost money and I do think it is highly socially irresponsible having one and not knowing how you will pay for it, and being to able to handle a child financially when the child is very young is like an installment contract where the price of what you are purchasing increases over time so by the time year 18 comes around you are going to be paying 30 times the original amount, you need to be able to pay that amount from the get go. I also know ppl. say well my kids didn't grow up w/all those things and it didn't affect them, that is where you are wrong it does. My husband was deeply affected by his families early finances. My in laws do great today financially but when Steven was little they lived in a trailer, and he can remember them being what he describes as poor. If anyone says the phrase "trailer trash" he gets deeply offended because he knows that until he was 5 or 6 he lived in a trailer. He also can remember not getting things he wanted because they could not afford it and to this day if I say something like let's cut back a little this month he jumps to the conclusion we are broke. Well we aren't broke but any thought that we might not be 100% financially stable deeply troubles him so when I say let's cut back and save 100 dollars he here's the sky is falling and we are broke, he doesn't ever want to be financially unstable again because he knows he it felt when he was young. He won't go back to school until I get out, even though I think he needs to be going now, because he knows going back will require a student loan and any form of debt scares him, because he associates it with being poor, and Steven has told me himself more than once that he attributes this attitude he has towards money to his early childhood. The reason I handle all of our finances is simply that he cannot handle the stress of money because he knows what it is to live without it and the stress of handling it scares him. So what you are doing to your children in their early years because of your financial debacles does affect them, even into adulthood. I just know that for me personally in order to have a kid I would need my dream home to be built, it to be at least 50% to 60% paid off, my salary to be at least somewhere in the 50,000 to 60,000 range, my savings to be over 100,000 and everything else cars, trucks, land paid off, and I won't have a kid under other financial circumstances, because to do so wold scare the living daylights out of me. I would constantly be up at night thinking how am I going to pay for this kid. For me and Steven to retire on 30,000 a year we need over a million dollars saved up in private accounts by the time we hit retirement, a private education at the best universities could cost half a million dollars, so we would have to live off one salary and save the other for retirement and education of a kid, and that is just one kid if you have two you can double that and add on interest. My own education has cost my parents well over 400,000 dollars, so yes I know children are expensive you add in that they have bought me cars, given me property to start my home, given me a home, and ya I've probably cost them 600,00 bucks easy, and I wouldn't raise my child any diff. than I have been raised. The best thing you can do for your kid is send them out into the world with no debt, and good financial practices. I have no debt and I thank God every night for it because most of my classmates are looking at 400,000 in debt and a starting salary of about 45,000 with a bad job market so that is if they find work. The same lawyer who were billing 500 an hour 3 years ago are now billing half that, that is scary for our profession and makes our future very uncertain. My own husband is a public employee, a teacher, and we all know how teachers are getting treated these days especially here in Oklahoma being a teacher is very uncertain and I pray to God nightly dear Lord please let my husband keep his job. I recently had a friend who asked me why in the world I prayed that every night, and the simple answer is teachers have a rough road ahead of them in this state and have been thrown under the bus so many times this legislative session that it is daunting, if I were to have a kid with Steven's job uncertain (because the jobs of all of our teachers in this state are uncertain in this political climate wheter you choose to believe that or not it is just the truth look at the legislation) and me in law school with no income I would be about the most irresponsible human I know. I'm 26 and Steven and I may change our minds and have a kid we have a cut off point and it is me turning 31 so if in the next 5 years we change our minds, achieve all the above mentioned financial goals, and the economy picks back up, and we decide to not be selfish then we may have a kid. In the meantime please don't feel sorry for me, or Steven or say our not having kids is sad. When you look at all the money and worry we are saving ourselves by not having any kids you might actually be jealous of us, if you don't have kids you can travel change carriers, get educations, save large amounts of money for your golden years so you will be taken care of properly, and let's not forget that kids interfere with well ( how you spend your time and what you spend it doing ;). Just on a side note many ppl. have children so they will have someone to look after them in their old age, from my work in the nursing home industry I can tell you that plan doesn't pan out most patients in nursing homes their kids never darken the door, same for assisted living facilities, and hospice, the thing that will get you threw your old age is money, if you want to be taken care of in style money is the only thing that will do it not your kids, besides you should have kids for you to take care of them not the other way round.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Sexiest Thing I can do...

Evidently the sexiest thing I can do is not wear some hot lingerie or open the door starke naked w/a smile when Steven comes home, it is cook. Doesn't even really matter if it is any good, just as long as I do it. I swear the man loves food more than me LOL. To think all the money I could of saved over the years at Victoria's Secret.

Another story that should I ever write a book I will be including in it

This story is circuit 1910-1915 probably somewhere closer to 1915, it is a story told by one of my familiy members about another one of my family members I've changed all the names, this is actually one of my favorite stories. Really I shouldn't be the one to write the book, Mom should, I think when she gets done w/this next term on council that should be her next profession.

The widuh (okay so we all like Faulkner books just pronounce it the way it is spelled this was 1915 Oklahoma if you were widowed you were probably a widuh) Jenkings lived in a big house on the corner, the only corner in the community. The house was falling down, needed to be white washed, and the cudzoo had long ago taken over the chimney. She was a woman of only 45 but hard work, and the birthing and raising of 9 youngins (again think Faulkner here) had taken its tole on her and she looked closer to 65. She always had on a worn out cotton dress with small flowers on it, that was always dirty from a hard days labor, her hair was always greasy and in a bun. She had 9 children and every single one of them was the spawn of the devil, she often wondered if her old man hadn't been Satan himself, the good Lord knew he was worthless most of his life but the children they had produced were pure evil. Several of her sons often stuck safety pins threw their forearms to show how tuff they were. Another one pierced his own ear and then sat on a horse and attached safety pins to ear piercing so that they touched the ground then slapped the horse and it ran off at a gallop taking with it part of his ear, the horse stepped on the safety pins. One of her sons bit a bulldog on the nose, because he didn't like the dog, and another one bit off the other one's ear during the course of a fight. The widuh though made all of her children attend school. They attended school in a one room school house. It was a wooden structure, with pine floors and a tin roof. the good lady school mistress Miss Sterling was a very neat and tidy lady who thought it was her Christian duty to educate the the children of the under privileged, she was a beliver in the social gospel and the gospel of Jesus Christ and was going to promote both before she went on to glory. Miss Sterling was also as ugly as a mud fence. She had, had a weight problem but due to a diet of only green beans, and an admission that she was a glutton and the Lord does not love a glutton she had lost several pounds of weight, unfortunately loosing weight means excess skin and on her arms she had what can only be described as chicken wings. She had large amounts of skin hanging down from her upper arms so that they looked like chicken wings. Tommy Jenkings, the widuh Jenkings's youngest was in school at this little one room school house, out of all the widuh's children Tommy was by far the meanest, he was the one who would later grow up to bite off his brother's ear. Tommy was also prone to hive hissy fits, if you don't know what a hissy fit is it is somewhere in between a conniption fit and a temper tantrum. One particular morning Miss Sterling was reading the class their Bible verses for the day, no separation of church and state for Miss Sterling, and she called on Tommy to recite. Tommy hated reciting, well to be fair Tommy hated doing most anything that involved school he didn't need any learnin'. Tommy started to throw a hissy fit and refused to speak, in the process Miss Sterling decided that she would get her yard stick and just give him a good smack, to sparing of the rod to spoil the child for Miss Sterling either she believed in very stern discipline. She went over to her desk got her yard stick and was about to bring it down to rap on young Tommy's hands when Tommy decided that he would bite her chicken wing. Tommy, being much shorter at the age of 7 than Miss Sterling, dodged her hitting him, lept from his chair and bit into her chicken wing arm. Now Tommy was rather serious about his biting, when he bit someone he was in it for the long haul, all or nothing he was not about to let go, that was how he later bit off his brother's ear. You then have the shocked and scream Miss Sterling trying to pry off young Tommy but for the life of her she can't get him off. The other children are laughing hysterically, they weren't exactly fans of Miss Sterling either. This goes on for several minutes before Miss Sterling comes to the conclusion that Tommy is going to bite her chicken wing off if she doesn't get help, he just simply will not let go. Miss Sterling spies little Frank Blount in the back of the room. Frank was only 5 and not really old enough to be in school but Miss Sterling let him come to school because his older sister Madge was such a good student and their mother needed to be working on the farm. Frank was a fast little child he could out run any kid double his age so she sent Frank across the hay meadow to Aunt Florence Jenkings house. Aunt Florence would have been Tommy's aunt and she was as mean as a snake, kind of like the rest of her family she also was a widuh but she had no children. So off little Frank ran just as fast as his little legs would carry him, he returned back double quick with Aunt Florence who brought a poker to beat Tommy with. After several beatings with the poker Tommy finally let go, but it was to late for Miss Sterlings chicken wing, when he let go he took about half of the skin of her chicken wing with him. Miss Sterling had to be taken to Doc Henson to be sewed up, she then later left the community out of embarrassment, that and the fact that the children taunted her because she had one arm with hanging arm skin and one without and joked that Tommy really in actuality did her a favor.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

He gave him a cool down

I have changed the names in this story, but it did really happen, it was related to me by an acquaintance who I think was looking for legal advice which I don't give out because I'm not out of law school and haven't passed the bar.

Bob is the sort of fellow you would like. He is a little overweight, personable, has a scraggly beard, likes everyone, and is an all around hardworking man. Bob has a little problem though in that he has post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from his experience in the Iraq war. Bob recently got a job in one of the local convience stores. The store Bob is working at has a policy that if you are paying in cash after dark you must pre-pay. One night bob is working the late shift, and this man comes in very angry. The man is irate about the fact that he has been a loyal customer of the store for 35+ years and has never once had to pre-pay after dark. Bob tries to explain that the store is under new management and that he has nothing to do with the policy and is sorry for the inconvenience but the customer will have to pre-pay. The customer gets in has face shaking his finger at him, the way a Baptist preacher might shake his finer at a member of the congregation who is sinning. Bob has always had a strong dislike of his father who has a temper and often when he was getting on to Bob shook his finger in Bob's face. Well Bob looses it! Bob being a fairly bulky tall fellow easily overpowers the customer and hauls him into the back room, where he locks him in the ice machine, that is right the ice machine. Bob secures the latch on the ice machine, which was 1/3 full of ice with a squeegee and then calls the police to inform them that he has locked the customer in the ice machine. The police come and arrest both Bob and the customer, the customer had punched Bob at some point I'm not real clear on that, and they are both charged with assault and battery. Bob then calls his parents to get him out of jail, and says that he blacked out can't remember what happened, all he remember is the color read, I've never been on an acid trip but I hear it is a similar experience. At any rate Bob gave the customer a cool down.

On an unrelated matter but one that still includes Bob, Bob's wife is pregnant but that kid isn't his. You see the medication for PTSD causes Bob little member to no longer stand at full attention so he and his wife haven't had marital relations in over 6 months, yet she is 3 months pregnant. Evidently when his wife was having sleepovers with her girlfriends, the woman is 28 years old who has sleepovers at her age?, her ex-boyfriend was also sleeping over.

Poor Bob and to think if I were out of law school I probably would have been hired to represent Bob in Bob's divorce and assault charges....oh the life of a rural lawyer.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

"Grandmother it was a woman and it said FOX"

We went to the chili supper for the Central academic team and of course we had, Mrs. P there. For those of you who don't know I love Mrs. P if Steven and I ever divorce I want her in the divorce settlement, I'll also take his gramma Rose too but Mrs. P has a special place in my heart. Anyway there was this woman at the chili supper and she had a shaved head, except for a small patch of hair. My first reaction was oh poor thing maybe she has cancer and her hair is growing back, then I titled my head slightly to the side and I saw that the hair said something it said FOX as in FOX racing, and was int he shape fo the FOX logo. I just thought oh honey you really are a redneck. After the chili supper we go back to Mrs. P's to see Steven's mom and her new dog Meing Mei, who by the way is cute as a button. Mrs. P asks us "did you see that man with almost no hair?" Steven has to say "No grandmother that was a woman and the hair that she did have said FOX like FOX racing" Well she doesn't really believe us but we explain that it def. was a woman. Then of course Steven chimes it it is just a redneck thing, to which Mrs. P insists surely redneck women still wouldn't give up there hair and you know her she spouts scientific reasons why, mainly that the female of the species their hair is usually the last thing they will give up. Anyway we convince her that it was a woman, and it was. and she says "Well I guess I'll have to stop going down there even Central High isn't safe anymore the world has gone crazy." I'm inclined to agree with her. I get that ppl. need freedom to express themselves but come on lady shaving your head and having the FOX motorcycle logo the design for what hair you do have left is just weird.Tattoos I get, body piercings okay whatever, want to dye your hair a million diff. colors go ahead but women who deliberately shave their heads that one is just one step to far beyond the social norm for me. Evidently it was for Mrs. P too.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Since..... I told a crazy story on my family members I will tell one on myself: I like to call this the day I burnt up Mom

I think most people can remmber in the late 1990's early 2,000's when ear candles were extremely popular. If you don't know what an ear candle is, it is a long slender divce that is cone shaped at one in, kind of looks like a long skinny funnel, that you place in your ear, and then set it on fire. The fire works its way down the ear candle and draws out your ear wax. Bohemian, color ucoordianted who usually wear tie dye, people who wear socks with their sandles will tell you that this has grat health benefits. My mother during this time period was obsessed with all things holisitc, organic, basically anything a hippie thinks is cool. So she bought these ear candles that she wanted to use, I don't know I think some guru at the local health food store told her they would work wonders. Anyway the think with these ear candles is you have to have someone help you, I mean you are putting it in your ear and it is on fire, you need help to make sure you don't burn yourself. I was13 at the time, I remember how old I was because Mom had just re-done my room: new carpet, new walpaper, new everything. I finally had a grown up room! My other room had baby deer and pink white polka dots with green shag carpet that was supposed to be the forrest grass, maybe that is why I believe in fairies because I grew up in the enchanged forest. Mom comes in with these candles, lays down on the bed, gives me a lighter tells me to light it up and watch it and when it gets close to her face to remove it and put it in this can of water she places next to the bed. Oh I left out one detail she had a paper plate at the base fo the candle so if anything burnt off it would fall on the plate, bad plan you know paper plates catch on fire easily. I being an uninterested 13 year old ligth the ear candle stuck it in mom's ear, mom laid ther with her eyes closed why I do not know, and I turned my back on her and was messing with a caligraphy set that I had received for my birthday. Yes, at some point in time a long long time ago I acutally cared about my penmanship. Well I wasn't paying attention to the ear candle and it burnt down to close to the paper plate setting the plate on fire. Mom starts sceaming bloody murder, and you know my mom uses way to much hairspary in her hair, hairspray of course is flammable. So we've got the paper plate on fire, the ear candle on fire and Mom's hair is burning. I grab the buring plate and ear candle, and for some reason trip over the container of water, when I trip the buring ear candle part of it breaks off hits my new carpet, burns the carpet, and I don't know what to do with it at this point. Mom starts screaming "out the window out the window" so I throw it out the window, only this was July and it hadn't rained in 6 months so I set the yard on fire. Mom has at this point put out her hair, with my new comfortor. Moral : moral of the story don't let your Mom use an ear candle in your new room, it ruined my comfortor, my new carpet, and I set the yard on fire. No, of course the moral is not to pay attention when assisting your mother with an ear candle becaus well t hen I would of learned something from this experience and we can't have that now can we.

If I ever write a book......

If I ever write a book I would probably put this story in it, yes it is true. I have changed ppl.'s names for anonimity. UNFORTUNATLY THESE PPL. ARE MY FAMILY MEMBERS SO DON'T JUDGE lol

Colene was the type of woman who loved a good cocktail, the comany of a handsome man even if he was not her husband, and she had a reputation for being divoid of sanity. Her husband Arnold was knick named the light swithc man, because he went to work as the sun was coming up and he came home as it was going down thus he turned the lights on and off for the day. Arnold was the owner fo the local ambulance business, as well as the embalmer for the local funeral home. Colene and the funeral homeowner's wife, Vera, were famous for having a few cocktails at the funeral home afer hours and doing their nails whle their husband worked on brigning the last bit of dignity to the town's deceased. I can just picture them there in brown wicker chairs, in solid colored polyester dresses, with their hair pulled up in chingons and immaculate makeup, doing their nails and drinking mimosas  modern sophistocated 1950's women. Who loved their husbands, as long as they coulnd't find anyone else to love on. Arond dinner time, since it was obvious Vera and Colene would not be making dinner as was gnerally the case, Arnold and Jerry, the funeral home owner, decided to go over to the local cafe, the type of place where you could not see threw the smoke fog and there was always a red ring of grease on your plate, for dinner. Before the left though they had done something to the deceased man they were working on. They had cut off his member! Evidenlty when a man passes away and his member is erect it is very difficult to get it to go down, and since you don't want his loved one's to see his last stand as it were, or the widow to get any ideas, the general procedure is to cut it off, lay it down flat, and re-attach it. Well Arnold, and Jerry had gotten to the cutting off part, just not the re-attachement. After the men left, Colene and Vera having had one to many cocktails made their way into the embalming room, a whilte tiled room with various tubes around the walls to aid in extracting bodily fluid, and found the member of the deceased man. They also found a mattress spring, one of the old one's that had a lot of bounce to it. They decided that it would be hilarious to stick the member on the spring, so they did. What they did next is, a little disturbing. After the member was properly attached to the spring, the coiled the spring, so that when it wa released it would bounce up and down, much like the springs on Jerry's bed when he was having relations with his melato mistress whileVera was getting her hair done on Saturdays. They put the coiled spring on the white tiled floor and released it, of course the spring bounced with the attached member, bouncing up and down kind of like how a jack in the box springs and then boucnes at you. While it was bouncing on the floor Vera and Colene thrusts their pelvic areas at the member and said "here tis' here tis'" luckily they were fully clothed but sadly this was not an era where women wore slacks. Needless to say Arnold and Jerry came back from dinner, and found the girls giggling hysterically.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Oh my Husband

For Valentine's Day I made a pot of Chocolate fondue, and we did the whole fruit, choclate, wine, I cooked dinner etc. etc. basically all the things that lead to well, you know ;) anyway after all was said and done Steven said he would clean up the fondue pot....guess what I just found int he cabinet with hardened choclate in it, that is righ the fondue pot that has been that way for over a month OMG some of the things that man does heaven help me I love him but seriously? What the crap. Guess he though the magical fairy who lives here would clean it eventually, in his defense I just now discovered it bcause it is in the pantry with all my bakeware and I decided to make a late night batch of cookies, so guess I haven't baked in a month either... oops

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Breeding Problem

Probably lots of ppl. will not like this blog post, but I don't care because it is true. THE MAIN PROBLEM WITH AMERICAN SOCIETY IS WE HAVE BREED OURSELVES DUMB. This topic came to me because I was discussing with one of my former teachers how she has seen such a shift in overall quality of students over the past 20 years. I read an article once that birth control was going to destroy American society, and I honestly believe it is the truth. It used to be back before we had wide use of birth control that hard working well educated couples might have 3 to 5 childeren, fairly large families because they could not limit the size of their family. Today many of those same couples who 50 years ago would of had 3 to 5 children have 1 to 2 children if any at all. The same however is not true for the uneducated, unemplyed, couples who are the bottom of society they keep on having kids they on average have 3 times more children than couples who have good educations and jobs. This has caused a drain on our society. Just look in your local grocery store, at the people, you will see the well dressed clean woman with maybe one or two kids and the large woman with the tube top on who has her boobies haning out with no teeth dragging behind her four or five neglected looking children. Drug babies are also a problem sometimes I think everytime these ladies shoot up they pop out another kid, who will have learning disabilites or ADD. It seems almost every kid now has a lerning problem and some form of an IEP. We need to start encouraging and telling people that limiting their family size is the economically responsible thing to do (which is why well educated couples do it in the first place it makes better financial sense) and it is the socially responsible thing to do. We are also going to have to stop rewarding it thew the welfare system, if you are a young unwed mother, yes you need some help but if you constantly keep on popping out babies to get the economic benefit so you can lay around all day and not be a productive member of society then no you do not need that economic benefit and your children need to be taken away. We cannot keep rewarding that behavior and the production of more children who cannot grow up to be producitve members of society, they are just going to grow up to be drains on society. People do not need to be allowed to have children they cannot take care of who cannot become prouctive members of society, we just can't afford it anymore. I'll also say this the reason you have bad test scores in schools is directly related this this phenomina, take children who are drug babies who come from uneducated families who are carrier welfare they are not going to pass an EOI or a state exam, they have no incentive too and some don't have the capability and if many classrooms are like the school my husband teaches at have at least 40% of the kids from those type situations you cannot get a 100% pass rate the pass rates are NOT due to poor teaching they are due to poor quilty of students, and you have poor quality of students because we have as a nation breed ourselves dumb. Idiocracy is a funny movie, but it is also very very true, and it is going to happen in our future if we don't promote population contorol among certain sects of our society.

With all that said I'm very happen to welcome into the world my neice, Anna Rose Ostrander, who will NOT be a drain on society and grow up to be a productive citizen she was born today 7 pounds 8 oucnes :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Curry? Really? Gross

If you have been around my husband then you know he love exotic food so when we find an Indian (the type from India not some of my ancestors) restaurant in Eureka Springs you know we are going, and you know he is going to get something weird. I will admit the BLT that I had was good, they also had American style food, however, it was a little gross that they had large vats of oil sitting in the widown with rotting onions, peppers and seasonings in them to flavor the oil....couldn't they of put that somewhere else? Anyway Steven orders curry, he enjoys it eats it, we go back to our cabin.

Several hours later......
Steven: Smell my armpits
Me: No...gross
Steven: (with me in head lock so I can smell his armpits) don't they smell weird they really stink
Me: Ya a lot more than normal ( and really I didn't know we could get worse than normal here thank God he is a clean freak and regularly showers and uses dioderant I won't go into the other foul smells he produces)
Steven: Ya it kind of smells like curry, OMG I smell like curry it is pouring out of me
Me: Ya it really does smell like curry
Steven: I wonder if this is why ppl. from India stink
Me: You racist
Steven: Well it true haven't you noticed they all smell like curry all the time I thought it was just because they ate it

Oh the joys of being married.

The Rangers Shirt that Died

Before we left for vacation, Steven the typical male, had done no packing so in my effort to assist him I asked him if he wanted me to put his shirt in the suitcase. He told me that he did want me to put his shirts in the suitcase, and that he did not care which shirts he was indifferent he would wear whateve I picked out. So one of the shirts I put in his suitcase was a Roland Rangers basketball shirt. He came back to where the suitcase was and was immediatly upset that I had packed the shirt, stating the he hated it, I told him wel you told me to pick the shirts. At this point he grabs the shirt up and rips it in half yelling "die shirt die" he then says that now it isn't a problme because the shrit died and the he hated the shirt and hadn't worn it in 6 months and I should of know that.....gotta love him I went on vacation with him anyway.

On the way home from Eureka Springs..... the following converstation takes place
Me: You Dad is very metrosexual in his dress
Steven: Dad is only that way because Mom picks out his clothes
Me: I pick out your clothes
Steven: Ya well I fight you tooth and nail on what I wear, Dad doesn't fight Mom besides we all know what I do to shirts when I don't like them
Me: Ya you rip them up
Steven: I rip them up because I'm a Man (make what I guess is a man growl) and guess what I'm doing to that stupid Pink Polo shirt you bought me when we get home

Needless to say we are also down one Pink Polo shirt I was hoping he would wear for Easter


"She who shall not be named" is my title for the new Oklahoma State Suprenintendent of Public Education, Janet Barresi, I make this reference because she reminds of me of Voldemort off of Harry Potter, she kind of looks like him too. Any mention of the woman's name can send me into sever convulsions and more than mild profantiy may come out of my mouth. I'm married to a teacher, and I think he does a terrific job, I think all teachers do terrific jobs, and "she who shall not be named" is a woman who wants to throw them under the bus. I don't suppose it said in her campaign literature that she hates all public schools, and public school teachers, but unfortunatly it should of becuase that is the truth. This is a woman who wants to see public school shut down in favor of charter schools (where teachers don't even have to be licensed) she wants to starve out the small schools and cut their funding and consolidate them (look at NY state that plan didn't work out to well for them or look at the CA school system) she wants to pack as many students in a room as possible and do away with most of the safeguards for teachers that were put in place by HB 1017. Her whole campaign is that education is broken in Oklahoma... I DON'T THINK SO. She fails to mention one single fact, society in Oklahoma is broken. Poverty is the number one cause of poor academic succes in school children, NOT POOR TEACHING. Oklahoma is one of the poorest states in the union, with more than 35% of our children living in homes that have an income at or below the poverty line, we also have an additional 15% of children that are living in homes only 1,000 dollars above the poverty line, that is a lo tof impoversihed kids. If "she who shall not be named" and her gang of thugs (ppl. I like to call the Govenor, Lt. Govenor and AG) get their way teachers won't even have a right to appela being fired, not even to a court of law, they will also work longer hours for less money and almost no pension. Is this really how we want to reward the ppl. who daily care for our state's children, try to educate them, and act as surrogate parents to those who have no loving family? I find it hard to belive that this agenda by "she who shall not be named" and her gang of thugs is what Oklahoma wants for its children. Did you know that if teachers were paid per student the average going wage that a babysitter was paid they would make over 192,000 dollars a year, think about that parents they do it for far less, and babysitters don't teach your kids Algebra or English or how to read. I was looking at the election results "she who shall not be named" won by 200,000 votes in a clean Republican sweep I think we need to go out and find 200,00 + ppl. to add to the 300,000 that didn't vote for her last time so she cna be defeated in 4 years, surely there are 200,000 ppl. in this state who did not vot last time who want their kids to receive a good public education and will find this woman's works as an evil vendeta against public education, surely Oklahoma has a good 200,000 ppl. I've made up my mind that in 4 years I'm giving all I've got do defeating her, if that means working on someone's campagin or holding up signs, I'm doing it. This woman can not be allowed to reamin in office, she has only been in a three months and already needs to be recalled, she certainly does not need to be re-elected.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Get Away

Steven and I are going to be gone for a few days to Eureka Springs (since we don't have to spend all of spring break putting up signs for Mom), we rent a nice cabin, and he does whatever it is men do, usually  he goes to the local bar and has a few and fishes at Beaver Lake and I spend a few days having a years worth of dead skin cells stripped off my face (microdermabrasion) and a few good massages (come on I desreve them I put up with a man who farts in bed and insistes on keeping an old 1950 ford in the front yard, that does not run simply because it was his paw-paw's truck) (and he keeps it in the front yard not the back so it is on display and all these old rednecks who come by the house will pull up in the yard and honk, they usually have no teeth and ask me scuse' me ma'am how much ye want fur that truck thar? then I have to tell them it isn't for sale ok then thank ye kindly that has happend 6 or 7 times in 3 years). So I hope everyone has a great sping break and that the weather gets warmer.

Applying Business Practices to Government

Tonight I drove my Mom to her council meeting so I had a lot of time to think, and the topic that hit my brain was applying business practices to governement. Before I went to law school I worked in the private sector, and ended up as a CFO over a tech. company and a nursing home, it was fun work but not stable and practicing law was always what I wanted to do. However, I think we need to be applying some business practices to our governement. We are broke both on a federal, and state level! Obviously we cant keep on spending like we have been but look at what we are cutting, we are cutting programs that take up less than 10% of our budget what we need to be looking at are our big ticket items which are: social security, medicare/medicaid, and military spending. I would start with cutting the one that does not effect the elderly and that is military spending. We built an 800 million dollar engine this year, as a backup engine, we already have one engine in existence for a plane that we don't fly, and that was designed to spy on the Russians. That is ridiculous when government employees who are hard working citizens are in danger of loosing their jobs, think of how many jobs 800 million dollars could save. Then there is the issue of TAXES I know ppl. hate paying them, but our government revenue is based on taxes. For years we have had this misguided idea that giving corproations tax breaks will cause them to creat jobs. They don't I used to structure NMTC deals for my former boss (new market tax credit) and he aalways took those credits and used them against his own taxes and went on vacation and never put that money back into the corproation and never created any new jobs. Corproations are in the biusiness of making money and we are loosing jobs to foreign countries every day because coporations move them there because if it is cheaper. If corproations want to receive tax breaks and credits they are going to have to maintain jobs in the United States and create jobs in the United States otherwise they are not deserving and should be taxed so our government can have some revenue. This just makes sense there is no point in not collecting money that is not investing back in American jobs, you don't have delequent accounts in the business world you collect what is owed you. Another thing is foreign aid. Why are we giving to foreign countries when we can't take care of our own people? In busienss you don't loan out money if you can't pay your own mortgage, it is just that simple. I feel for the people of other countries but we have our own problems here that we need to start fixing. We are going to have to start manufacturing something here in the United States again, why can't we be like Japan and that something be technology and finally move into the age of technology. In order to do that though we have to have a highly educated work force, and how do we educate people, via taxes. I don't care what people say most public school teachers are under paid, underfunded and understaffed. Educaton is our key way out of this financial mess and we aren't collecting the one thing that we need to fund it properly, i.e. taxes. We have to collect revenue cutting spending on programs is not enough we have to have liquid assets, and in order to do that we are going to have to tax corporate America. We have to many companies on corproate welfare while the rest of us pay our taxes, if the individual citizen has to pay his/her taxes then corporatiosn need to start too.  Did you know the wealthiest 400 Americans last year made more money than the bottom 30% of Americans, there is something wrong with that, the wealthiest 400 incidently were all CEO's or Presidents of major corporations, pocketing those tax credits will evidently make you rich.We have to rebuild our middle class, you cannto have the type of wealth disparity between the upper and middle class that we do and have a successful society, you just can't, this same scenario happened in France in the 1700's and do you know what they did? Had a revolution and chopped off the King's head you cannot have an angry, impovereished, unemployed proletariate they will eventually revolt, and since I am a member of the better educated class that they don''t like I would like to keep my head LOL, and to in business it is bad business to have unhappy workers you get strikes. We  need some sanity and some moderation in our governement.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Our typical Sunday

Today was pretty much our typical Sunday. Steven got up early to play WOW (World of Warcraft) that is a game that I wish all of it servers around the world would spontaneiously combust and blow up. I hate that game so he gets up early to play it before, Lady Astir, (me) wakes up, so he won't get griped at. I got up at a leasurly 10:30, don't knock it 5 days a week I get up at 3:00 AM to go to law school so when I can I sleep in. I played with my pride and joy, Cecil Kain, even though he is a flamer (cat loves pink mice he's got to be gay right?) I love love love him dearly. Then I went to my granny's for Sunday dinner. You would just have to know my 89 year old grandmother understand that in order to miss Sunday dinner you better get an act of Congress or a summons from the Queen. Today she made: mashed potatoes, corn, friend chicken, bbq beef, cole slaw, and an apple pie. Yes, you are expected to take some of everything granny doesn't believe in health food or diets. My favorite Uncle, Billy was there and told a rather funny story. He has a broken thumb only he does not know how he broke it! He went to bed Friday night just fine work up Saturday morning with a broken thumb that was killing him so he went to the emergency room and sue enough he broke his thumb, I blame my Aunt Judy she is sneaky I beat she got mad at him and broke it in the night. LOL j/k Judy <3 U. Billy is like me he loves cats, he has three their name are ;kitty, cat, and road (road is named road because he found him on the road. He isn't very creative with names. He shows me videos of them playing every Sunday, I usually watch them and smile, and think yep my cat is 10 times cuter than yours. At granny's we all discussed how we were so relieved that Mom does not have an opponent but Dad said we needed to be campaigning anyway because he thinks we need a redheaded chief (my mom has red hair) Mom of course sternly objected, she doesn't want to be chief, and of cours after she mad her objection Dad just had to say "well I guess the red rage couldn't be chief anyway to short a temper" (Dad calls Mom the Red Rage when she is argueing with him) After dinner I went with Mom and Aunt Barbara (Aunt B.) to aldi. I thought I was going to have to jump out the widnow, Aunt B. had made that rock candy in cinnamon flavor and Mom was sucking on it all the way down there I cannot stand to listen at someone suck on hard candy so finally I decided to tell her to stop because it was giving me a migrane (it really wans't cinnamon scent does not trigger my migraines) and Mom was like" oh yes migraine's on demand just because you don't like me sucking on this candy" needless to say she kept right on sucking on it all the way to Fort Smith. Aunt B. thought our discourse about the candy was hilaroius. We had a good shopping trip, and on the way back we discussed the 14 flags heritage club and who was going to clean up the poo. For those of you who don't know a homeless man was living in the train depot at the 14 Flags museum and was using the bathroom in it, and there is a pile of poo in there 3 feet high, and it has been in there over a month and none of the club members want to clean it up and finding someone to do that sort of work is difficult. I imagine by now the smell will knock you over. Yuck. We took Aunt B. home put up the groceries, I came home and saw my sweetheart, he had stopped playing that vile videogame and then we went back up to Mom's she made us dinner. Then we watched Big Love, I can't tell you how much I love that show I love it almsot as much as True Blood (almost but no cigar because Alexander Skarsgard on true Blood has perfect abs and is blond and gorgous) I hate it that the next epidode of Big Love will be the last I need to find some new shows to watch I like Toddlers and Tiaras but Mom and Steven tellme that is going to rot my brain, personally I think video games and diet soda are going to rot theirs. Now I'm home and accessing what the laundry fairy needs to do tomorrow when she comes as well as the cleaning fairy, gee those fairies are great :)