Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Since..... I told a crazy story on my family members I will tell one on myself: I like to call this the day I burnt up Mom

I think most people can remmber in the late 1990's early 2,000's when ear candles were extremely popular. If you don't know what an ear candle is, it is a long slender divce that is cone shaped at one in, kind of looks like a long skinny funnel, that you place in your ear, and then set it on fire. The fire works its way down the ear candle and draws out your ear wax. Bohemian, color ucoordianted who usually wear tie dye, people who wear socks with their sandles will tell you that this has grat health benefits. My mother during this time period was obsessed with all things holisitc, organic, basically anything a hippie thinks is cool. So she bought these ear candles that she wanted to use, I don't know I think some guru at the local health food store told her they would work wonders. Anyway the think with these ear candles is you have to have someone help you, I mean you are putting it in your ear and it is on fire, you need help to make sure you don't burn yourself. I was13 at the time, I remember how old I was because Mom had just re-done my room: new carpet, new walpaper, new everything. I finally had a grown up room! My other room had baby deer and pink white polka dots with green shag carpet that was supposed to be the forrest grass, maybe that is why I believe in fairies because I grew up in the enchanged forest. Mom comes in with these candles, lays down on the bed, gives me a lighter tells me to light it up and watch it and when it gets close to her face to remove it and put it in this can of water she places next to the bed. Oh I left out one detail she had a paper plate at the base fo the candle so if anything burnt off it would fall on the plate, bad plan you know paper plates catch on fire easily. I being an uninterested 13 year old ligth the ear candle stuck it in mom's ear, mom laid ther with her eyes closed why I do not know, and I turned my back on her and was messing with a caligraphy set that I had received for my birthday. Yes, at some point in time a long long time ago I acutally cared about my penmanship. Well I wasn't paying attention to the ear candle and it burnt down to close to the paper plate setting the plate on fire. Mom starts sceaming bloody murder, and you know my mom uses way to much hairspary in her hair, hairspray of course is flammable. So we've got the paper plate on fire, the ear candle on fire and Mom's hair is burning. I grab the buring plate and ear candle, and for some reason trip over the container of water, when I trip the buring ear candle part of it breaks off hits my new carpet, burns the carpet, and I don't know what to do with it at this point. Mom starts screaming "out the window out the window" so I throw it out the window, only this was July and it hadn't rained in 6 months so I set the yard on fire. Mom has at this point put out her hair, with my new comfortor. Moral : moral of the story don't let your Mom use an ear candle in your new room, it ruined my comfortor, my new carpet, and I set the yard on fire. No, of course the moral is not to pay attention when assisting your mother with an ear candle becaus well t hen I would of learned something from this experience and we can't have that now can we.

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