Friday, March 18, 2011

The Breeding Problem

Probably lots of ppl. will not like this blog post, but I don't care because it is true. THE MAIN PROBLEM WITH AMERICAN SOCIETY IS WE HAVE BREED OURSELVES DUMB. This topic came to me because I was discussing with one of my former teachers how she has seen such a shift in overall quality of students over the past 20 years. I read an article once that birth control was going to destroy American society, and I honestly believe it is the truth. It used to be back before we had wide use of birth control that hard working well educated couples might have 3 to 5 childeren, fairly large families because they could not limit the size of their family. Today many of those same couples who 50 years ago would of had 3 to 5 children have 1 to 2 children if any at all. The same however is not true for the uneducated, unemplyed, couples who are the bottom of society they keep on having kids they on average have 3 times more children than couples who have good educations and jobs. This has caused a drain on our society. Just look in your local grocery store, at the people, you will see the well dressed clean woman with maybe one or two kids and the large woman with the tube top on who has her boobies haning out with no teeth dragging behind her four or five neglected looking children. Drug babies are also a problem sometimes I think everytime these ladies shoot up they pop out another kid, who will have learning disabilites or ADD. It seems almost every kid now has a lerning problem and some form of an IEP. We need to start encouraging and telling people that limiting their family size is the economically responsible thing to do (which is why well educated couples do it in the first place it makes better financial sense) and it is the socially responsible thing to do. We are also going to have to stop rewarding it thew the welfare system, if you are a young unwed mother, yes you need some help but if you constantly keep on popping out babies to get the economic benefit so you can lay around all day and not be a productive member of society then no you do not need that economic benefit and your children need to be taken away. We cannot keep rewarding that behavior and the production of more children who cannot grow up to be producitve members of society, they are just going to grow up to be drains on society. People do not need to be allowed to have children they cannot take care of who cannot become prouctive members of society, we just can't afford it anymore. I'll also say this the reason you have bad test scores in schools is directly related this this phenomina, take children who are drug babies who come from uneducated families who are carrier welfare they are not going to pass an EOI or a state exam, they have no incentive too and some don't have the capability and if many classrooms are like the school my husband teaches at have at least 40% of the kids from those type situations you cannot get a 100% pass rate the pass rates are NOT due to poor teaching they are due to poor quilty of students, and you have poor quality of students because we have as a nation breed ourselves dumb. Idiocracy is a funny movie, but it is also very very true, and it is going to happen in our future if we don't promote population contorol among certain sects of our society.

With all that said I'm very happen to welcome into the world my neice, Anna Rose Ostrander, who will NOT be a drain on society and grow up to be a productive citizen she was born today 7 pounds 8 oucnes :)

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