Friday, April 8, 2011

Why Military Spending makes me MAD

I know mine is not a popular position but I'll just say that I am sick of military spending. We are not the freest nation in the world in fact we are 139th on the list of freest nations the top 10 don't have standing armies so it is not our freedom that are military is protecting it is our Empire. We have an empire, we have 50,000 troops stationed in Germany. Does anyone know why? I'm pretty sure Germany is a highly functioning democracy, they have more freedom than us they are 5th on the list, Hitler has been dead for over 50 years and Germany has a better economy than us. The same thing goes for France, Japan, England, Australia, New Zeland and Itlay, and we have tons of troops in all of those places. We also have troops in Vietnam and Korea, and it has been over 40 years since those wars were over. Military spending makes up over 45% of our total budget, and it wasn't even on the table to be cut in this current budget mess. Folks 39 billion in cuts will not make a dent in our debt but you could get that number up closer to 1 trillion in cuts if you started cutting the military. We spend 450 million dollars on a back up engine for a plane we have never flown. We keep on renewing defense contracts for weapons that our outdated that we don't use. That is ridiculous. The military has also become a welfare program of sorts. Can't find a job, Can't get healtcare, join the military, and you actually end up costing us more than you would of had you gotten on welfare. You know we had drafts in all of our other wars because we didn't have a large enough standing military, the reason we didn't have them was because we couldn't afford them and we can't afford them today. My Father has a bronze star, and a sliver star for his service in Vietnam, that means he saw some pretty rough stuff. My Dad has never received a disability benefit from the military, even though he was constantly sprayed with agent orange. He has problems with his eyesight that was caused by that and has early stages of COPD that is also linked to agent orange. Most of the men who were in Vietnam, Korea, WW2 never saw any disability benefits unless they lost a limb. They did their duty, shut up about it, came home, and then did civilian jobs and provided for their families. These guys that are coming out now all claim to have PTSD and are on disability. I can't tell you how many young men I know that are drawing 1800 a month in PTSD disability and used their VA loans to go back to school and can hold down jobs so they are making their paychecks and getting the 1800 a month, that is nuts. My own husband can't afford to go back to school to get his masters but I know a guy who is going back to school, and his wife does not work, they have a kid, and they just live off of his military disability for PTSD and there isn't a thing in the world wrong with him. On top of that all these guys volunteered, they knew what they were getting into. My Dad didn't volunteer, he was drafted and taken from his family and received no benefits, same thing with My Uncle Jack in Korea, and My Great Uncle in WW2. None received benefits and all were drafted and here these guys are receiving a ton of benefits for a job they volunteered for. I had a cousin tell me something that I will never forget he said " you know you Dad and guys like him they don't talk about the war because they saw some serious sh*& and they don't want to talk about these guys who come back and blab all the time didn't see sh*& otherwise they wouldn't be running their mouths" I feel that way I am so sick of ppl. bragging about their war experiences because if you really did have to kill ppl. and you saw your men die, you wouldn't talk about it. About 5 years ago Dad finally told me and Cody some of the stuff he saw, and had to do and it was bad really really bad. Dad was a 24 year old with a college degree leading scared 18 year olds threw the jungle with only basic training and no combat experience under his belt, and they had to do some very Sh*&&y things, and several of his men died and they killed ppl. and not just in random fire they know they killed ppl. My Uncle Jack had a gold star for his service in Korea never never talked about the war, and all of his men were blown up on Thanksgiving Day and only he and his radio officer survived. Trad always likes to tell his students at school that he has two Uncles who were highly decorated and the kids always ask you know oh did they come back and be bad asses what do they do now and Trad always tells them "You would never know the two men served one is an Elementary Principal, the other was a rancher, and I can't tell you their war stories because they never tell them to anyone." I am so so sick of hearing these guys who come back and want to tell their badass war stories, that is a tell tell sign that they saw nothing. Then they come home and act like because they served, voluntarily I might add, that they are entitled, and about half of them live off of disability for problems they don't have and don't seek further advancement in civilian life. Being in the military does not qualify you for a civilian job. My Dad came home, he had to go back to school earned 2 masters degrees, got an administrators certificate and became a principal, he couldn't just simply say well I was in the military and that qualifies me to do this job, and so many of the guys coming back today do exactly that and expect it. I am patriotic, I love this country, and I support our troops, but I am sick and tired of senseless wars and supporting a military that takes up the largest part of our budget that we can't afford. Really who are we fighting? Terrorists? Let them blow themselves up. We don't have a specified enemy, and we dont' need one, we could be using that money to create jobs in this country, build roads, build schools, instead we are keeping up the economies of other countries by keeping bases there and the industries that come with those bases that has to stop, and we don't need as many military personal as we have. I think if we have a major war the men of this country will do like generations past and accept the draft as part of citizenship in the meantime we don't need to maintain a large standing military force we cannot afford.

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