Thursday, March 17, 2011

Curry? Really? Gross

If you have been around my husband then you know he love exotic food so when we find an Indian (the type from India not some of my ancestors) restaurant in Eureka Springs you know we are going, and you know he is going to get something weird. I will admit the BLT that I had was good, they also had American style food, however, it was a little gross that they had large vats of oil sitting in the widown with rotting onions, peppers and seasonings in them to flavor the oil....couldn't they of put that somewhere else? Anyway Steven orders curry, he enjoys it eats it, we go back to our cabin.

Several hours later......
Steven: Smell my armpits
Me: No...gross
Steven: (with me in head lock so I can smell his armpits) don't they smell weird they really stink
Me: Ya a lot more than normal ( and really I didn't know we could get worse than normal here thank God he is a clean freak and regularly showers and uses dioderant I won't go into the other foul smells he produces)
Steven: Ya it kind of smells like curry, OMG I smell like curry it is pouring out of me
Me: Ya it really does smell like curry
Steven: I wonder if this is why ppl. from India stink
Me: You racist
Steven: Well it true haven't you noticed they all smell like curry all the time I thought it was just because they ate it

Oh the joys of being married.

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