Saturday, March 26, 2011

"Grandmother it was a woman and it said FOX"

We went to the chili supper for the Central academic team and of course we had, Mrs. P there. For those of you who don't know I love Mrs. P if Steven and I ever divorce I want her in the divorce settlement, I'll also take his gramma Rose too but Mrs. P has a special place in my heart. Anyway there was this woman at the chili supper and she had a shaved head, except for a small patch of hair. My first reaction was oh poor thing maybe she has cancer and her hair is growing back, then I titled my head slightly to the side and I saw that the hair said something it said FOX as in FOX racing, and was int he shape fo the FOX logo. I just thought oh honey you really are a redneck. After the chili supper we go back to Mrs. P's to see Steven's mom and her new dog Meing Mei, who by the way is cute as a button. Mrs. P asks us "did you see that man with almost no hair?" Steven has to say "No grandmother that was a woman and the hair that she did have said FOX like FOX racing" Well she doesn't really believe us but we explain that it def. was a woman. Then of course Steven chimes it it is just a redneck thing, to which Mrs. P insists surely redneck women still wouldn't give up there hair and you know her she spouts scientific reasons why, mainly that the female of the species their hair is usually the last thing they will give up. Anyway we convince her that it was a woman, and it was. and she says "Well I guess I'll have to stop going down there even Central High isn't safe anymore the world has gone crazy." I'm inclined to agree with her. I get that ppl. need freedom to express themselves but come on lady shaving your head and having the FOX motorcycle logo the design for what hair you do have left is just weird.Tattoos I get, body piercings okay whatever, want to dye your hair a million diff. colors go ahead but women who deliberately shave their heads that one is just one step to far beyond the social norm for me. Evidently it was for Mrs. P too.

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