Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This is one of my favorite stories.......

When I married Steven I warned him that women in my family have a history of burning our male spouses clothes in the wash pot....his response " Man I'm glad there is a burn ban on" (we got married in July so you couldn't burn anything at that time)

I've changed all the names, and this story kind of overlaps between 2 of her husbands but I made them into one.

If you don't know Odel, well you should. She is a buxom, feisty woman of about 25 with dark brown hair, beautiful blue eyes and those famous Cherokee cheek bones. Odel was is easy to fall in love, and can just as easily fall out of love. Take her latest husband Mr. Williams. Mr. Williams, or Tom to his friends of which he has none, is at least twenty years Odel's senior, a tall thin man, who loves his money more than anything or anyone in this world. To be honest though Odel only married him because she had two children by her previous husband who was sorry, and she needed a way to provide for them so her family advised her to marry Mr. Williams that he had lots of money and would take good care of her and the kids. Mr. Williams worked for the local electric cooperative, and had a brand new Chevrolet, which Odel is not allowed to drive much to her dismay. He had a fairly knew house, and it had running hot and cold water, which was a big plus since Odel's folks were so poor they were still using the privy. In fact Odel's folks are still using kerosene lanterns to light the house, but not Mr. Williams his house is all electric. Well Odel she is just so taken in by this miracle of running hot and cold water, and electric lights that she thinks she has died and gone to heaven, and heaven looks like Mr. Williams house which she shares with him and her two girls; Ginger, and Frankie. Mr. Williams though and his love of money can't stand Odel using all that electricity and water, she is running up the bill so much he might have to break into pipe tobacco money to pay the bill and he certainly wouldn't want to do that. First thing Thursday night when Mr. Williams got home from work his first order of business was to yell at Ginger and Frankie for filling up a wading pool in the backyard, that was  a waste of water. Well Odel will certainly take Mr. Williams' money and his nice home but she will not accept him yelling at her children. Being the feisty woman she is she devises a plan that will be awaiting Mr. Williams when he arrives home on Friday evening. On Friday as soon as the girls get home from school Odel has them turn on all the faucets in the house, and turn on every electric light and appliance that Mr. Williams owns. Then she has the girls pack up their things, and along with her things she loads them into her Papa's wagon and has him take the girls back home with him while she waits on Mr. Williams. While she is waiting she decides to do a little house cleaning in the form of cleaning out Mr. Williams' closet. What good wife wouldn't clean out her husband's closet for him and get it organized. Only Odel takes out all the clothes, shoes, belts, and hats and promptly takes them outside to the wash pot. She then goes inside and gets a bunch of firewood that was leftover from the prior winter and piles it into the wash pot. She piles Mr. Williams clothes on top, finds some gasoline in the shed that was used to fuel the lawn mower pours the gasoline over the clothes and the wood lights a match, tosses it in and watches it burn. Needless to say Mr. Williams came home to a house over flowing with water and all of his clothes burning in the wash pot. Remember I said Odel was feisty, needless to say at the end of her life she had a shoe box full of divorce papers, she always had a hard time keeping a man.... I wonder why LOL.

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