Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Rangers Shirt that Died

Before we left for vacation, Steven the typical male, had done no packing so in my effort to assist him I asked him if he wanted me to put his shirt in the suitcase. He told me that he did want me to put his shirts in the suitcase, and that he did not care which shirts he was indifferent he would wear whateve I picked out. So one of the shirts I put in his suitcase was a Roland Rangers basketball shirt. He came back to where the suitcase was and was immediatly upset that I had packed the shirt, stating the he hated it, I told him wel you told me to pick the shirts. At this point he grabs the shirt up and rips it in half yelling "die shirt die" he then says that now it isn't a problme because the shrit died and the he hated the shirt and hadn't worn it in 6 months and I should of know that.....gotta love him I went on vacation with him anyway.

On the way home from Eureka Springs..... the following converstation takes place
Me: You Dad is very metrosexual in his dress
Steven: Dad is only that way because Mom picks out his clothes
Me: I pick out your clothes
Steven: Ya well I fight you tooth and nail on what I wear, Dad doesn't fight Mom besides we all know what I do to shirts when I don't like them
Me: Ya you rip them up
Steven: I rip them up because I'm a Man (make what I guess is a man growl) and guess what I'm doing to that stupid Pink Polo shirt you bought me when we get home

Needless to say we are also down one Pink Polo shirt I was hoping he would wear for Easter

1 comment:

  1. In case anyone is wondering, because I have gotten the question before, I have an odd memory where I can recall whole conversations verbatim its very odd so be careful what you tell me because I can usually recall just about anything as long as it was verbally said to me, I attribute my memory with one of the reasons I am fairly successful in law school because I can remember everything the prof. says. However for Steven it is a deteriment because I can remember everything he says and it is a deteriment to myself because he knows I can so I can't say "oh I forgot" when he says he told me something because he knows I didn't.
