Thursday, March 17, 2011


"She who shall not be named" is my title for the new Oklahoma State Suprenintendent of Public Education, Janet Barresi, I make this reference because she reminds of me of Voldemort off of Harry Potter, she kind of looks like him too. Any mention of the woman's name can send me into sever convulsions and more than mild profantiy may come out of my mouth. I'm married to a teacher, and I think he does a terrific job, I think all teachers do terrific jobs, and "she who shall not be named" is a woman who wants to throw them under the bus. I don't suppose it said in her campaign literature that she hates all public schools, and public school teachers, but unfortunatly it should of becuase that is the truth. This is a woman who wants to see public school shut down in favor of charter schools (where teachers don't even have to be licensed) she wants to starve out the small schools and cut their funding and consolidate them (look at NY state that plan didn't work out to well for them or look at the CA school system) she wants to pack as many students in a room as possible and do away with most of the safeguards for teachers that were put in place by HB 1017. Her whole campaign is that education is broken in Oklahoma... I DON'T THINK SO. She fails to mention one single fact, society in Oklahoma is broken. Poverty is the number one cause of poor academic succes in school children, NOT POOR TEACHING. Oklahoma is one of the poorest states in the union, with more than 35% of our children living in homes that have an income at or below the poverty line, we also have an additional 15% of children that are living in homes only 1,000 dollars above the poverty line, that is a lo tof impoversihed kids. If "she who shall not be named" and her gang of thugs (ppl. I like to call the Govenor, Lt. Govenor and AG) get their way teachers won't even have a right to appela being fired, not even to a court of law, they will also work longer hours for less money and almost no pension. Is this really how we want to reward the ppl. who daily care for our state's children, try to educate them, and act as surrogate parents to those who have no loving family? I find it hard to belive that this agenda by "she who shall not be named" and her gang of thugs is what Oklahoma wants for its children. Did you know that if teachers were paid per student the average going wage that a babysitter was paid they would make over 192,000 dollars a year, think about that parents they do it for far less, and babysitters don't teach your kids Algebra or English or how to read. I was looking at the election results "she who shall not be named" won by 200,000 votes in a clean Republican sweep I think we need to go out and find 200,00 + ppl. to add to the 300,000 that didn't vote for her last time so she cna be defeated in 4 years, surely there are 200,000 ppl. in this state who did not vot last time who want their kids to receive a good public education and will find this woman's works as an evil vendeta against public education, surely Oklahoma has a good 200,000 ppl. I've made up my mind that in 4 years I'm giving all I've got do defeating her, if that means working on someone's campagin or holding up signs, I'm doing it. This woman can not be allowed to reamin in office, she has only been in a three months and already needs to be recalled, she certainly does not need to be re-elected.

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