Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Counting My Blessings

I've been in a terrible mood the past few days. I'm just mad at life, and fed up, I go threw spurts where I would like to be a society drop out. I'm not kidding. I was giving Mom my talk on all my complaints: law school is hard, the legal job marekt is bad, my classes are boring, etc. etc. etc. Yes, it really is all about me most of the time. So Mom reminds me that I am a very blessed person and that I should count my blessings, I try to thank God for my blessings each and everyday but somedays it is just more lip service than anything else. You know "thank you Lord for all my blessings" while silently thinking life would be so much easier if ... (insert whatever it is you are perturbed about here) were fixed. So I thought I wold give full account for my blessings, of which I have many.

1) I have been very lucky to have some of the most sacrificing, and loving parents on this planet. I cannot describe to you what my parents have given up both financially and personally for me and cody and to be able to raise us in a comfortabel lifestyle, and educate us. I am so very grateful for them each and every day.

2) 8 years ago Trad asked me "So when are you getting rid of Steven's girlfriend and nabbing him for yourself?" I thought it was a strange question, Steven was seeing someone else and so was I but... I guess Trad saw something I didn't because I did, I got all my friends to be nice to Barbara and confide in and convience her that Steven was a crummy boyfriend, she dumped him I left Boss and 2 weeks later we were a couple... no looking back. Yes, I am that devious I see something I want I get it. Being married to and in a relationship with Steven is by far the biggest blessing in my life. My parents love me to death but it is semi-conditional in that they expect/demand success out of me, with Steven I can fall flat on my face, and have, and he still loves me, he doesn't have extremely high expectations for me just that I"m happy and that in itself is a relief. Sometimes me being happy and me being successful are two totally diff. things and when I have to pick between the two he's always in my corner.

3) Cecil Kain Fullbright-Ostrander is a blessing and I love him like he is human. I am not maturanl except to that cat he just has an effect on me that most ppl. get from children. I don't go all goo-goo eyed over a baby but my kitty he melts my heart.

4) The house on Redwood while we aren't moved into it yet is very cute we've turned down several offers for ppl. wanting to buy it, we've renovated it, its great on the inside. It and 40 acres there are mine free and clear, thanks Mom and Dad for giving me my inheritance early, and that is a comfort. No it is not our dream house we want to build our dream house on that property but owning a home free and clear is a big burden that is lifted, so many ppl. in this world do not own homes, or have roofs over their heads and many of us take that forgranted.

5) I am in law school. No matter how bad the legal job market is, how boring law school is, how hellish it can be I am lucky to be here. In my class over 3,000 applied and they took 160. I'll never know what made me special or stand out but I'm lucky to be here and I know it. This is a great opportunity, and I do love it, I just have my moments where I want to scream because it isn't easy but then again if it were easy everyone would be doing it. Somedays I get to do amazing things, and any success I have here I credit to God because I know I couldn't do this on my own, and I wouldn't be here on my own. I don't know what the end game is here yet but I trust that there is a plan and a reason why I'm here.

6) My husband has a job he don't know how big a relief that is to me. If Steven didn't love his job I don't know what I would do, I'm very dependnt one of the elements for me being happy if for him to also be happy so when he isn't I'm not, and I couldn't take him being unhappy and me being in law school way to much stress.

7) I have a wonderful extended family. I love knowing I have cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. that are here for me. Being part of a big family is so important and having roots is so importnat. You need a little group of ppl. rooting for you, and I have an army.

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