Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Terry Jones -- A word on Tolerance

The top of my hit list this week is Pastor Terry Jones. You know this guy he is the Quran burning pastor in Florida, who burned the Quran after being told it would cause massive riots, and probable deaths but the top U.S. general. My compliant about this man, he knew better. I know I get it he had a right to burn the Quran, well hold on there not exactly the 1st amendment doesn't protect you for inciting violence which is exactly what he did. Yes, we should be going after the terrorists too but in my opinion Terry Jones is a homegrown terrorist. If the United States government and top officials tell you look you have a right to do this but if you do innocent ppl. are going to die and you do it anyway you are just as culpable for the deaths, especially when you did it just to prove a stupid point that required no proof. We know the terrorist are crazy, we knew the burring of the Quran would cause them to get violent, when you know those tings you don't go asking for proof this is a situation where you don't have to be proven right. Now Pastor Jones sits tight, and safe in Florida, while American soldiers are trying to stop the protests in Afghanistan and are putting their lives on the line over a situation he caused. If you ask me he needs to be in a jail cell. In this country if you provoke someone into killing another you are culpable for the murder as well..... I'm pretty sure that describes exactly what Terry Jones did and now 20 innocent ppl. aer dead and the riots haven't stopped.You know there is this thing called tolerance. Do I agree withe Islam? No. Do I think radical Islamic extremest need to be dealt with? Yes. Do I believe in the Quran? No. I go to a private Christian University, TU is a Presbyterian University, and you know what is right next door to the law school, the very next building over.... The Islamic Student Union and prayer center, do I agree with what they are doing there no, do they have a right to do it, yes, Do I just simply walk by the building and ignore it and not hate the ppl. inside Yes....that is tolerance we all need to get some. We can't keep going around starting fights over religion over 1/2 the world disagrees with Chrisianity, Christians only make up roughly 30% of the world population, we are going to have to learn some tolerance, and let's not forget that Jesus preached peace and tolerance for all men.

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