Tuesday, March 29, 2011

He gave him a cool down

I have changed the names in this story, but it did really happen, it was related to me by an acquaintance who I think was looking for legal advice which I don't give out because I'm not out of law school and haven't passed the bar.

Bob is the sort of fellow you would like. He is a little overweight, personable, has a scraggly beard, likes everyone, and is an all around hardworking man. Bob has a little problem though in that he has post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from his experience in the Iraq war. Bob recently got a job in one of the local convience stores. The store Bob is working at has a policy that if you are paying in cash after dark you must pre-pay. One night bob is working the late shift, and this man comes in very angry. The man is irate about the fact that he has been a loyal customer of the store for 35+ years and has never once had to pre-pay after dark. Bob tries to explain that the store is under new management and that he has nothing to do with the policy and is sorry for the inconvenience but the customer will have to pre-pay. The customer gets in has face shaking his finger at him, the way a Baptist preacher might shake his finer at a member of the congregation who is sinning. Bob has always had a strong dislike of his father who has a temper and often when he was getting on to Bob shook his finger in Bob's face. Well Bob looses it! Bob being a fairly bulky tall fellow easily overpowers the customer and hauls him into the back room, where he locks him in the ice machine, that is right the ice machine. Bob secures the latch on the ice machine, which was 1/3 full of ice with a squeegee and then calls the police to inform them that he has locked the customer in the ice machine. The police come and arrest both Bob and the customer, the customer had punched Bob at some point I'm not real clear on that, and they are both charged with assault and battery. Bob then calls his parents to get him out of jail, and says that he blacked out can't remember what happened, all he remember is the color read, I've never been on an acid trip but I hear it is a similar experience. At any rate Bob gave the customer a cool down.

On an unrelated matter but one that still includes Bob, Bob's wife is pregnant but that kid isn't his. You see the medication for PTSD causes Bob little member to no longer stand at full attention so he and his wife haven't had marital relations in over 6 months, yet she is 3 months pregnant. Evidently when his wife was having sleepovers with her girlfriends, the woman is 28 years old who has sleepovers at her age?, her ex-boyfriend was also sleeping over.

Poor Bob and to think if I were out of law school I probably would have been hired to represent Bob in Bob's divorce and assault charges....oh the life of a rural lawyer.

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