Sunday, March 13, 2011

Our typical Sunday

Today was pretty much our typical Sunday. Steven got up early to play WOW (World of Warcraft) that is a game that I wish all of it servers around the world would spontaneiously combust and blow up. I hate that game so he gets up early to play it before, Lady Astir, (me) wakes up, so he won't get griped at. I got up at a leasurly 10:30, don't knock it 5 days a week I get up at 3:00 AM to go to law school so when I can I sleep in. I played with my pride and joy, Cecil Kain, even though he is a flamer (cat loves pink mice he's got to be gay right?) I love love love him dearly. Then I went to my granny's for Sunday dinner. You would just have to know my 89 year old grandmother understand that in order to miss Sunday dinner you better get an act of Congress or a summons from the Queen. Today she made: mashed potatoes, corn, friend chicken, bbq beef, cole slaw, and an apple pie. Yes, you are expected to take some of everything granny doesn't believe in health food or diets. My favorite Uncle, Billy was there and told a rather funny story. He has a broken thumb only he does not know how he broke it! He went to bed Friday night just fine work up Saturday morning with a broken thumb that was killing him so he went to the emergency room and sue enough he broke his thumb, I blame my Aunt Judy she is sneaky I beat she got mad at him and broke it in the night. LOL j/k Judy <3 U. Billy is like me he loves cats, he has three their name are ;kitty, cat, and road (road is named road because he found him on the road. He isn't very creative with names. He shows me videos of them playing every Sunday, I usually watch them and smile, and think yep my cat is 10 times cuter than yours. At granny's we all discussed how we were so relieved that Mom does not have an opponent but Dad said we needed to be campaigning anyway because he thinks we need a redheaded chief (my mom has red hair) Mom of course sternly objected, she doesn't want to be chief, and of cours after she mad her objection Dad just had to say "well I guess the red rage couldn't be chief anyway to short a temper" (Dad calls Mom the Red Rage when she is argueing with him) After dinner I went with Mom and Aunt Barbara (Aunt B.) to aldi. I thought I was going to have to jump out the widnow, Aunt B. had made that rock candy in cinnamon flavor and Mom was sucking on it all the way down there I cannot stand to listen at someone suck on hard candy so finally I decided to tell her to stop because it was giving me a migrane (it really wans't cinnamon scent does not trigger my migraines) and Mom was like" oh yes migraine's on demand just because you don't like me sucking on this candy" needless to say she kept right on sucking on it all the way to Fort Smith. Aunt B. thought our discourse about the candy was hilaroius. We had a good shopping trip, and on the way back we discussed the 14 flags heritage club and who was going to clean up the poo. For those of you who don't know a homeless man was living in the train depot at the 14 Flags museum and was using the bathroom in it, and there is a pile of poo in there 3 feet high, and it has been in there over a month and none of the club members want to clean it up and finding someone to do that sort of work is difficult. I imagine by now the smell will knock you over. Yuck. We took Aunt B. home put up the groceries, I came home and saw my sweetheart, he had stopped playing that vile videogame and then we went back up to Mom's she made us dinner. Then we watched Big Love, I can't tell you how much I love that show I love it almsot as much as True Blood (almost but no cigar because Alexander Skarsgard on true Blood has perfect abs and is blond and gorgous) I hate it that the next epidode of Big Love will be the last I need to find some new shows to watch I like Toddlers and Tiaras but Mom and Steven tellme that is going to rot my brain, personally I think video games and diet soda are going to rot theirs. Now I'm home and accessing what the laundry fairy needs to do tomorrow when she comes as well as the cleaning fairy, gee those fairies are great :)

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