Monday, March 14, 2011

Applying Business Practices to Government

Tonight I drove my Mom to her council meeting so I had a lot of time to think, and the topic that hit my brain was applying business practices to governement. Before I went to law school I worked in the private sector, and ended up as a CFO over a tech. company and a nursing home, it was fun work but not stable and practicing law was always what I wanted to do. However, I think we need to be applying some business practices to our governement. We are broke both on a federal, and state level! Obviously we cant keep on spending like we have been but look at what we are cutting, we are cutting programs that take up less than 10% of our budget what we need to be looking at are our big ticket items which are: social security, medicare/medicaid, and military spending. I would start with cutting the one that does not effect the elderly and that is military spending. We built an 800 million dollar engine this year, as a backup engine, we already have one engine in existence for a plane that we don't fly, and that was designed to spy on the Russians. That is ridiculous when government employees who are hard working citizens are in danger of loosing their jobs, think of how many jobs 800 million dollars could save. Then there is the issue of TAXES I know ppl. hate paying them, but our government revenue is based on taxes. For years we have had this misguided idea that giving corproations tax breaks will cause them to creat jobs. They don't I used to structure NMTC deals for my former boss (new market tax credit) and he aalways took those credits and used them against his own taxes and went on vacation and never put that money back into the corproation and never created any new jobs. Corproations are in the biusiness of making money and we are loosing jobs to foreign countries every day because coporations move them there because if it is cheaper. If corproations want to receive tax breaks and credits they are going to have to maintain jobs in the United States and create jobs in the United States otherwise they are not deserving and should be taxed so our government can have some revenue. This just makes sense there is no point in not collecting money that is not investing back in American jobs, you don't have delequent accounts in the business world you collect what is owed you. Another thing is foreign aid. Why are we giving to foreign countries when we can't take care of our own people? In busienss you don't loan out money if you can't pay your own mortgage, it is just that simple. I feel for the people of other countries but we have our own problems here that we need to start fixing. We are going to have to start manufacturing something here in the United States again, why can't we be like Japan and that something be technology and finally move into the age of technology. In order to do that though we have to have a highly educated work force, and how do we educate people, via taxes. I don't care what people say most public school teachers are under paid, underfunded and understaffed. Educaton is our key way out of this financial mess and we aren't collecting the one thing that we need to fund it properly, i.e. taxes. We have to collect revenue cutting spending on programs is not enough we have to have liquid assets, and in order to do that we are going to have to tax corporate America. We have to many companies on corproate welfare while the rest of us pay our taxes, if the individual citizen has to pay his/her taxes then corporatiosn need to start too.  Did you know the wealthiest 400 Americans last year made more money than the bottom 30% of Americans, there is something wrong with that, the wealthiest 400 incidently were all CEO's or Presidents of major corporations, pocketing those tax credits will evidently make you rich.We have to rebuild our middle class, you cannto have the type of wealth disparity between the upper and middle class that we do and have a successful society, you just can't, this same scenario happened in France in the 1700's and do you know what they did? Had a revolution and chopped off the King's head you cannot have an angry, impovereished, unemployed proletariate they will eventually revolt, and since I am a member of the better educated class that they don''t like I would like to keep my head LOL, and to in business it is bad business to have unhappy workers you get strikes. We  need some sanity and some moderation in our governement.

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